Jakub Kalus
Tony Gentilcore: The fitness industry runs on a pendulum
Tony Gentilcore is one of the leaders in the fitness industry. He writes articles for the biggest websites and magazines you can imagine (Men's Health, T-Nation, Bodybuilding.com), has his own gym, and is one of the funniest guys in this industry. See for yourself: Hello Tony and thank you for your time, I really appreciate it. Could you please introduce yourself to those, who aren’t familiar with you? TG: My name is Tony Gentilcore, but my closest friends call me Jason Bourne. Some interesting facts about me: I grew up in a small town in central NY (in the Finger...
Jakub Kalus
Petr Koukal: Trénoval jsem mezi 4-6 hodinami denně
Petr Koukal je osoba, kterou není třeba představovat. Jeho příběh o boji s rakovinou už jste v médiích jistě zaznamenali nesčetněkrát. Spousta mužů se díky němu dostavila na preventivní prohlídku, která jim zachránila život. Po olympiádě v Riu ukončil svou sportovní kariéru a věnuje se hlavně své nadaci STK pro chlapy a také mu nedávno vyšla nová kniha. I přesto bychom neměli zapomenout na to, čím doposud Petr Koukal hlavně byl: Sportovcem, který podstoupil nespočet hodin tréninkových dávek. Na podobu jeho sportovní přípravy se podíváme v tomto rozhovoru. Přeji příjemné čtení. Na začátku našeho rozhovoru bych Vám chtěl moc poděkovat...
Jakub Kalus
Interview with Josh Bonhotal - Purdue University - Part 2
In the first part of our interview, we discussed mainly the importance of speed work or endurance training for basketball players. In the second part, you will find a lot of insights about player-coach relationship, in-season strength training or team culture. The interview is pretty long, so let's get straight to it. How long is the warm-up prior to a vigorous sprinting session? A typical warm-up for us may last as long as 30-45 minutes. This includes all of our technical mechanics, plyometrics, medicine ball throws, starts, build-ups and any other prep work relevant to what we have planned that...
Jakub Kalus
Interview with Josh Bonhotal - Purdue University - Part 1
Josh Bonhotal is a Strength and Conditioning Coach who specializes in basketball specific conditioning. Currently, he is working for Purdue University, whose men's basketball team ranks very high in preseason (as no. 9 in NCAA, according to Blue Ribbon Yearbook). In the first part of our interview, Josh will be talking about offseason and preseason training, endurance training, or the effect of a coach on the attitude of players. Lot of space is also devoted to speed work. Enjoy! Josh, thank you for making time for this interview, I really appreciate it. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Currently,...